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fresh potato salad

fresh potato salad 

potato and beetroot salad
potato and beetroot salad

Hellooooo guys as i promised you to post this recipe we will learn together how to make this nice fresh salad actually when i feel lazy to prepare something to eat i always think of this salad because it's so easy and fast to do and it is healthy lets see the ingredients and how to prepare lets gooooo

 i used the colours of this article like the colours of the salad 😂😂did you like it !

ingredients : 

- 2 potatos . 
- 1 beetroot .
- 1 boiled egg .
- thyme ( optional ) 
- salt . 
- 1 Tbs of mayonnaise .
- cumin .
- black pepper . 

How to prepare :

- first we bring our vegetables : potato and beetroot if you want to add carrot it will be a good addition even the tomatos if you use this four vegetables it will be more healthy and more colourful and more delecious .

potato and beetroot
potato and beetroot

- we wash it and we cut it into medieum pieces .

- we make both pf potato and beetroot to container full of water to boil . 
and we add 1tsp of salt to the potato .

boil potato
boil potato

boil beetroot
boil beetroot

- After that it ripen we cut them into small cubes . 

cutted potato
cutted potato

- And we add a tbs of mayonnaise actually i added 1/2 1 tbs is not enough for this quantity of vegetables .


- we mix and i added salt and cumin and black pepper i love spices even in salad and we add thyme too i love its taste you can escape this step .


- and finally we add the eggs i used the yellow egg entirely and just a little bit of white egg . 

potato and beetroot salad
potato and beetroot salad

and we finished with our fast recipe i wish that you have like it see you soon with another tastyyyy recipe byeee 😘😘

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