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Sweet pop corn : caramel and chocolate

Sweet pop corn : caramel and chocolate

caramel and chocolate pop corn
caramel and chocolate pop corn 

Hello everyone Warning : we are in November and it's really cold what is the best thing to do ! to close the windowds bring a quilt and watch a film yeeaaah it's the best thing to do but we really need a snack or something to eat while watching a film it's pop corn and maybe you were bored to eat just salt pop corn lets try the other ways to do it , with cocolate which is my favourite and with caramel which sweet and nice to eat sooo let's jump to the recipe guys .

ingredients : 

- 1 cup of pop corn .
- 1/2 tsp of salt ( for the caramel pop corn ) .
- 1 cup of sugar .
- chocolate .
- 3 tbs of oil . ( to cook the pop corn )
- 1 tsp of baking powder .

how to prepare : 

it's so simple first of all we full the cup with maize .

 we put oil in the pot 

we put the cup of maize 


and that's all for this part we let it until it's cooking in a medieum heat and try to shake the pot to avoid that the pop corn burn 


and it's ready now 

pop corn
pop corn 

we put it in a bowl 

pop corn
pop corn 

now it's time to the chocolate we put it in a pot and we put this pot in a bigger one which contains boiled water 


when we have this melted chocolate 

melted chocolate
melted chocolate 

we add it to the pop corn simply 

chocolate pop corn
chocolate pop corn 

now its ready 
note : eat it directly because after it won't be so good .



we add the baking powder 

caramel with baking powder

look how it became when we add the baking powder its such a foam mixture 

and add the pop corn into this caramel 

caramel pop corn
caramel pop corn 

just be careful while dealing with caramel because i burned my finger when i was preparing this , it hurt so much

chocolate and caramel pop corn
chocolate and caramel pop corn 

and here we have our nice caramel and chocolate pop corn we are ready to watch a movie , i like the action movie so much XD what about you !
so see you in another recipe
and if you want another thing prepared by you to watch a film i suggest to you to see this recipe of making chips


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