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crispy spicy chicken

crispy spicy chicken

Hello , i bring amazing recipe which i love it so much , especially when i prepared it the last time and i watched the matche of my country Algeria and the national algerian team won yaaaay i loved the recipe more XD , no really it's delecious it's crispy in exterior and tender and tasty in interior and when it's accompanied by the Cream cheese it's more tender 

Preparation time : 

10 minute
1 hour at least let it in refrigerator 

cook time : 

frying time : 10 minute

Total time : almost 2 hours .

Number of pieces : 15 pieces .

Ingredients :

Chicken breast .

- 1 Yogurt without sugar ( light ) 

- 2/3 tbs tomato paste .

- 2/3 tsp black pepper .

-  1 tsp salt .

- 1/2 tsp ginger powder .

- 2/3 tsp red pepper . 

- 1/2 tsp of turmeric .

- 1 tbs of vinegar . 

- A piece of cheese . 

- 1 minced garlic . 

- flour . 

How to prepare :

- First we bring our chicken .

- we cut it into medieum pieces .

- we make it in a container .

- we add the yogurt and garlic ( i forgot it i've add it later ) .

- add the tomato  paste . 

we add the spices : tumeric , black and red pepper and ginger .

- we add the vinegar .

- we add 4 tbs of water to make the texture light . 

- we add the salt .

- we mix all the ingredients very well and we cover it using clingwrap i had not a clingwrap so i used a plastic . 

- and we put it in refrigerator at least 1 hour .

in meantime i prepared the grilled pepper yeah i prepare it a lot of times  😄 cuz i really love it 

and i prepared too a fresh delecious salad i put the recipe later . 

it's here my pepper if you want the recipe

okaaay , after 1 or 2 hours we bring our chicken from the refrigerator . 

- we bring flour with 1 tps of salt and 1 tps of black pepper . 

and we begin dunks the chicken in flour .

- in the other side we heat the oil very well and we put our chicken . 

- it won't take a lot of time to fry , as you see flour precipitate it's okay not a problem and you turn in the other side .

we remove it from the frying pan and we put it above paper which absorbs oil .

if you want add cream cheese you mix one piece of cheese with yogurt light without sugar in my case i had not an additional yogurt so i mixed cheese with mayonaise , it's a good mixture too

i've biting it's so yuuummmmmmmy 

it can be accompanied with fries good idea right !

Bonne Appetite beautiful people see you with another beautiful recipe . 


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